Chocolate May Help Solve Obesity and Diabetes Problems - NY Requirements Blog
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Chocolate May Help Solve Obesity and Diabetes Problems
Posted by Norlyn Golez

Obesity is a common health problem in the US, with more than a third of its population suffering from the condition. Obesity greatly increases the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. But recent study shows that both conditions can be prevented by eating the right type of chocolate. Cacao and cocoa powder, for instance, are among the types of chocolates with the highest levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you eat high levels of flavanols, it could reduce insulin resistance and enhance glucose regulation, effects which may protect you from type 2 diabetes.

The research team of a mouse study was led by Andrew P. Neilson, a researcher from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University’s Department of Food Science and Technology. They found out that cocoa, the main component of chocolate, restricted the mice’s ability to gain weight and reduce their sugar levels.

This study was also supported by a study conducted earlier this year about how chocolate, berries, and wine can protect humans from type 2 diabetes and another study that showed how teens who have lots of chocolate in their diet tend to stay slim.

These studies claim that chocolates are beneficial mainly because of their flavanols, which are antioxidants.

But with this mouse study, research showed that flavanols do not create an equal effect on the human body. Cocoa is even categorized into several types.

The study was published in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry. The researchers aimed to find out which specific flavanols can prevent weight gain and lower sugar levels.

The mice had to go on a 12-week specific diet out of the six different diets.

There are high- and low-fat diets, as well as high-fat diets with supplements being monomeric, polymeric, or oligomeric procyandins (PCs)-types of flavanols. Each mouse was administered 25 milligrams of the flavanols daily for every kilogram of the mouse’s weight.

It was found out that a high-fat diet with oligeomeric PCs supplement give the best results on the mice’s weight control and glucose levels, which could prevent type 2 diabetes.

There are many other studies exploring the health benefits of chocolate and this study is just one of them.

You can learn more about chocolates in the links below.