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Posted by Kristal Roberts
Most diabetics are familiar with the daily task of pricking their finger to draw blood, it’s something they must do to test their levels. But a new tool on the horizon will allow diabetics to ditch the pricking and it’s as easy as breathing. Oxford University researchers have developed an breathalyzer that replaces the need for drawing blood, according to ExtremeTech. As pointed out in the report, published in the American Chemical Society journal Analytical Chemistry, diabetics can have fruity smelling breath, which indicates acetone. It’s a natural byproduct of the metabolism. A strong presence of acetone signifies ketoacidosis. This could mean that there isn’t enough insulin in the bloodstream to handle glucose, which is a signal of diabetes.   However, It’s important to keep in mind that fruity smelling breath doesn’t always mean a person is diabetic. There are so many other compounds in our breath that an accurate measure ...

Posted by Kristal Roberts
The sun can do a number on the elasticity of one's skin, causing some serious wrinkling over time. However, a network of scientists have developed a product described as a "second skin" that can reverse some of that damage.  The substance is silicone-based polymer can be applied as a thin coating on the skin. It mimics the elastic and mechanical properties of young, healthy skin. During human trials, it was able to reshape under eye bags and improve skin hypdration.  While the creation has beauty applications, researchers from MIT, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Olivo Labs and Jennifer Aniston's beauty company Living Proof found that that in addition to tightening, and smoothing the skin, it can also protect the skin from harmful UV rays and possibly be used to provide medication for skin problems like eczema and dermatitis, according to research published in Nature Materials. “It’s an invisible layer that can provide a barrier...

Posted by Kristal Roberts
An immunologic drug has gotten the Food and Drug Administration's stamp of approval to be used as a lung cancer treatment. This means the drug will be considered a viable option that will be offered before having to resort to chemotherapy. The drug was approved after researchers from two separate studies found the treatment to be a breakthrough. The drug, Keytruda, will be used to treat America’s number one cancer killer, non-small metastatic lung cancer (NSCLC). Keytruda works by kicking the immune system into gear to fight cancer. "This study may change current practice for the treatment of patients with advanced NSCLC,” said Johan Vansteenkiste, a Belgium medical professor, referring to one of the studies, which was published in the  New England Journal of Medicine. There were 305 patients who were treated with Keytruda. Their illness was profession-free by four months and 80 percent of the patients were alive at six months, compared to the 7...