Polymer Gel Heals Wounds, Stops Bleeding Instantly, Called Band-Aid of the Future - NY Requirements Blog
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Polymer Gel Heals Wounds, Stops Bleeding Instantly, Called Band-Aid of the Future
Posted by Kristal Roberts
Courtesy of Flickr.com

What if a band-aid not only covered a wound, but stopped the bleeding and accelerated the healing process in mere seconds?

 Well that technology is here and could possibly be available in a store near you, in the distant future.

It’s called VetiGel, a flexible polymer gel that is applied to or injected into a wound and begins the process of clotting to stop bleeding. Essentially, it could stop traumatic bleeding immediately.

Toted as the band-aid of the future, VetiGel was created by Joe Landolina, the CEO and co-founder the New York based biotech company Suneris.

Landolina got the idea to use a polymer as a way to seal up a wound as a freshman at New York University. He had no idea that it would work so well. 

The polymer is made from material extracted from the cells of plants. When it’s applied to wounds, it works like Lego blocks, building off of what’s already there. It changes shape and color, “interacting with the wound in a way that wasn’t expected,” Landolina told Bloomberg news.

The polymer can actually reesemble into the pattern of the skin. 

 This miracle polymer works with the body’s natural healing process in a way that’s never been explored and Landolina believes it can revolutionize emergency medicine. The applications in the real world for VetiGel are truly endless, including a quick patch up for a wounded soldier, or a quick seal for a kid’s scraped up knee.

The product has been tested on organs and it reduces blood flow and seals up the wound in less than a minute. In most cases it can seal a wound and begin to repair it within 15 seconds. However, it has yet to be tested on humans.  

Suneris is currently working to establish testing at veterinary clinics and see how animal wounds respond to the polymer before experimenting with human tissue.

Upon approval from the FDA, Landolina hopes that VetiGel can be sold in stores.

He has high ambitions for the product, hoping that the product can eventually be used to treat burns and even regenerate organs.

Landolina says he wants to see this product in every ambulance, every soldier’s belt and every mother’s purse one day. Watch the video to see how VetiGel works.  


